Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Fell Into A Drain - Eureka!

A couple of nights ago, I was in such a hurry, I decided to take a shortcut through a row of eatery stalls in my neighbourhood. The stalls were closed for the evening and just behind the stalls was a playground.
It was the shortest route I knew to get to my destination. And so I plunged along. Well, plunge became the operative word because I stepped right into a dirty, stinking drain filled with food refuse and other putrefying stuff.
The experience was akin to someone giving me an unexpected big shove and down I went, right foot first. I sustained a cut on my little right toe and a blue-black bruise on my left shin. The bags I was holding went flying in several directions, so did my spectacles.
My ego was more hurt than my physical form. Naturally, I was cursing and swearing. Half an hour later, I realised I was bleeding, though not profusely. After a quick getaway to home sweet home, I settled down to disinfecting the wounds. Had both feet dipped in Dettol solution to kill the bacteria. There was nothing for the bruised ego.
I am always prided myself in being careful. So the story is no matter how careful you are, sometimes the unexpected happens. Thus, the best plans can be altered without one's permission or to one's favour.
There's another thing I learnt, always carry a flashlight in dark places. I have no excuse because I have about 20 flashlights at home and some of them are high-end stuff. So much for being prepared.
On hindsight, I reviewed the entire experience from this angle: Never take a leap in the dark, either figuratively or literally, because you have a great chance of falling flat on your face. As I did.
A "bad" experience is always a good lesson if you think about it long enough.
The good news is my little injuries are healing well. There's no bad news.
In a way, I am glad I had taken a fall. Now I am more sympathetic towards those who are seen limping along the streets. There was a time when I give absolutely no thought to people who hobble along the road. Not that I wish them any ill but I harbour no feelings towards those who are in great physical discomfort.
Now I know better. Anyone can get a heavy dose of physical inconvenience. In my case, I was lucky, I didn't break anything. Next time, I will be better prepared.
On top of that, I can advise others against doing the same thing I did. From my little fall in the dark, I have seen the light at "the end of the drain."
Thank God, I didn't fall face first into the drain. What a horrendous outcome that would have been. I will smell to high heaven.
When I told my friend what I had on my birthday (yes, that was the day when it happened), he laughed his pants off. Well, I am glad in a way I brought cheer to someone on my birthday, even though it was at my expense.
The moral of the story is: Life is not one long, smooth sailing expedition. There are bound to be bumps here and there. If you laugh over it, you will get over it fast. Why bother to wallop in the drain, I mean, pity.
Next time, I will be more careful where I put my feet, where angels fear to tread.
Somewhere in heaven, the angels are laughing because they actually float, I was told.

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