Sunday, October 02, 2005

Is it work, hobby or passion?

THERE must be hundreds of millions of people out there, men, women and children, who drag themselves out of bed every morning to go to work. For a selected few, it could be evening hours because their jobs make it so.
Those who force themselves to report for work every day or night are obviously less than happy with what they do. We shall not ask why they do that because the answer is too obvious.
Sometimes, when I am relaxing on my day-off and it drizzles outside, I look beyond the horizon and ask: "Isn't it a shame that this worldwide working world has so many unhappy employees?"
Personally, I feel misery and frustration over doing what you do not like is avoidable. Nobody should force himself to do what makes him sad. "We don't have a choice!" I can almost hear the deafening roar.
No, that's not true. Everyone has a choice. It just takes commitment and a sense of self-determination to tell yourself: "OK, that's enough. I am not going to make myself miserable for the rest of my life."
Once having admitted so, you can either make a choice of continuing with what you are doing and not complaining or resigning and find another job, or better still, find another job and then quit.
Work must be done with a happy heart, otherwise it is going to eat at your soul. You will end up be the guy with the longest face in the entire department and the sulkiest guy in your household.
What woman would want to put up with such a sourpuss for the rest of best years in life? Now, you are beginning to get a glimpse of the story behind the divorce rates.
If your job is one big manure pit, then you either start planting tomatoes on theat manure pit, learn to learn the smell or drop that shovel and find yourself some greener pastures.
Every single human being who is still breathing even as I type should not allow himself to be subjected to such a sorrowful existence. Do what you love.
One day when you are free, preferably the next hour (don't wait until your retirement), think about things that make you happy. Then think some more. Figure out if you can make money or a decent living from doing what you love.
I believe if you think hard enough, you will find some way to be happy every day for the rest of your life.
If you are anything less than 65 years old, you shouldn't have any excuse. Life's going to come only once for you. Forget about the reincarnation bit. That's not going to work.
This is the only life you know as a person right now, right here. It doesn't take a genius to know that you, like many, many others out there, can decide your own futurre. That's the wonderful part of existence. If you fail, you can try again, and again, and again.
Sometimes, just to irritate my friends, I tell those who ask me, "how's work?". My reply: "Work? What work? It's a playground everyday. I love it. I revel in it. I have so much fun in the office that when it's time to go home, I put on a long face."
The benefits of doing something you love are: no stress, good health, cheerful disposition, positive outlook, bounce in your walk, enthusiasm and optimism by the bucketful.
If you are still not convinced by now, go to the nearest mirror and slap yourself. And if you are still not convinced, slap yourself again. This time, hard. Slap yourself twice. If it really doesn't work, then tell yourself, you need to kneel down and pray. This is where God comes in because I have exhausted all my humanly efforts to tell you the simple truth.

Have a good day. Chin up.

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