Monday, October 03, 2005

The Price of Material Possessions

ALL of us are guilty of this sin at one time or another. We hold material items too dear and near to ourselves for our own good. I experienced this feeling recently. On hindsight, it was rather puerile on my part.
A friend has promised, or so I thought, an item which I had wanted for a long time. When he finally showed up, I discovered he has disposed of the object to another colleague at a price he wanted.
Naturally, the feeling of justice surfaced rather quickly. This led to a feeling of betrayal. A feeling which I found out is born of selfish desire to possess something which ultimately has no real value.
The item of real value was the friendship we share. It is times like that when I understand the meaning of human weakness, I search for the light from my inner Self. And the answer comes like a fresh, cool breeze sweeping in from the sea, across the coconut palms and lightly brushing my cheeks.
Suddenly, I realise that something which I desired is no longer of any importance. The memory of which fades as the light of knowledge shines on the temporal stuff.
Most individuals want nice cars, big house (preferably two), designer clothes and good looks. Frankly, as human beings, we are almost never satisfied. We are pitiable creatures. We buy the things we don't really need and hunt down objects which we will eventually discard.
What good are a roomful of gold bullion when the things which really bring us happiness are intangible. These are the love of our dear ones; the warmth of friendship; the joy in people's faces when they meet us; the laughter we share with family and friends, and the peace of mind that comes from doing good and giving much.
It is true what has been said a long time ago: There's enough for everyone's needs but not enough for everyone's greed.
I am humbled by my recent experience. I have always thought I know better but I was wrong. I know no better than my neighbour. I remain humble after this slightly shameful experience. Now, I really know better.
Peace be with you, my friends.

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