Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Eat heartily, enjoy life

THE Chinese have a saying: he who eats with great gusto normally enjoys living. That is not far from the truth. From my personal experience, I can safely come to the conclusion that those who love to eat, usually display a zest for life that is uncommon in others.
Have you seen some people who eat as if they are picking a fight with their food? Some of these friends or relatives give one the impression that it is almost a chore to eat. Eating three meals a day for these people can be an exercise in nuisance-living.
I do not share in these people's surprising habit. Eating is one of the few pleasures in life that really doesn't cost us much. One can eat most joyfully even an ear of corn.
Have you taken a look at a hungry child who tears away at a piece of roast chicken? Children have no inhibitions. They wear all their emotions on their sleeves. So you can actually tell whether they are happy or sad.
When it comes to food and eating, we adults are beaten silly by little children. We, some of us anyway, have lost the ability to enjoy food. Food consumed must be enjoyed to its fullest extent. Otherwise why bother?
Human beings have the unique ability to relish their food. Animals, I am not sure. I have not talked to any animal with regard to their opinions on food.
People all over the world eat different kinds of food. Some of us eat more meat than others. Others eat more vegetables than half of the world. Whatever their choice, I am sure a number of them really tuck in during chow time!
Some people say they feel hungry when they see me eat. I take that as a compliment. Why look sad when you are eating? There are millions starving to death for want of food in Sudan, North Korea, Biafra and other remote parts of the world. And we are so lucky, and yet we do not recognise that fact that we are born into a society that frowns on hunger and lawlessness.
People in Asia are always eating, and at all hours too. I think they realise the value of a good meal. A great culinary session also means great conversations, quality time with family or friends and a chance to try new stuff on the menu.
Not many are that lucky. For the unlucky ones, they eat only when providence allows them that privilege. For the rest of us, sometimes we take things for granted.
I say, eat and be merry, for tomorrow you may not be here anymore!!

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