Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Brothers and sisters

THERE'S something to be said about being part of a family that has five siblings or more. When I was in my pre-teens, there were occasions when I used to have rows with my only brother or one or more of my other three sisters.
One day my mum caught us engaging in one of our infamous bouts and she uttered those famous words: "Listen up, you two. It's not nice to fight. There are a limited number of children in this household. You are all you have got. Even if you want more, you can't have. When you grow up, you will understand what I have told you."
With that, my mother ended her sermon. Four decades slipped by. Now all of us siblings are middle-aged and my late mum's words of wisdom come back to haunt me. She was right after all. Brothers and sisters are precious. As they grow older, so do you, you suddenly realise how time has slipped by and mortality is constantly peeking over our shoulders.
Now who do you think you would call when you need help or someone to look after your house or even children when you have to go somewhere at short time?
Sometimes, I feel sorry for those one-child families. They really don't know what they are missing. Yes, when you were younger, more children sometimes mean more troubles but as you grow older, you will find out that big family usually means big celebration or happiness.
There is a reason why some people come from big families. It is a lesson reminding us all that every single one in our family is as precious as gold. We may call each other names or may even not talk to one another for years but ultimately and undeniably, we are still flesh and blood. Very often, we learn to forgive each other in the twilight of one's years.
Better late than never. Recently, I spoke to my eldest sister whom I have not met for many years. She has been staying in England for a better part of four decades. We have met several times over the years but the sister I knew had grown up during those missing years.
I used to have memorable bouts of disagreements with this sister before she left home for greener pastures in a land far, far away. That night when she called me over the phone was on the eve of my birthday.
I guess in a way she misses me, and I her. It was a very warm moment for the both of us. Afterall, it has been years and 40 years of separation is a mighty long time. That phone conversation triggered memories of distant past that pulled me back to my childhood when both our parents were still alive.
How time has past. Sometimes in the busy moments of our lives, and there are many, we tend to forget the precious joys that come from childhood. If we are lucky, we get to share and cherish some of these wonderful moments - moments like when a sister calls from 10,000 miles away just to hear a familiar voice.
When people say "life has its moments", I know what they mean.

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