Monday, August 22, 2005

What are you good at, anyway?

EVERYONE of us is good at something. This piece of knowledge has escaped most people. A lot of us think we are actually good at nothing. Worse, some of us really think we are good for nothing. For some of us, our self-esteem is always resting at the seabed.
That's the crux of human problems. We are always selling ourselves short. In a way, we have been pre-conditioned since our toddler's days. Our parents (maybe), kindergarten teachers, so-called friends, relatives and strangers had been bombarding us with all these low-esteem messages.
"You will never amount to anything; you are good for nothing; you will be loser in future; you are a big, fat zero; you never do anything right; I can't take you anywhere with me without some problems cropping up; and you are a superachiever in the loser department." These are some of the remarks that have been force-fed into our minds since we first learnt to walk.
It's amazing that some of us actually overcame all these negative remarks and became decent citizens and wholesome and useful members of the society. I guess there's no accounting for human resilience.
Since, there are a large number of people who are convinced by all this "useless" talk, this article may be of some benefit to those who may be lucky enough to stumble onto this article.
NOBODY, and I mean nobody is useless. All of us are good at something. Even if we talk too much, we are good at that. In other words, you who talk too much are really good at shooting your mouth off. Talking is a skill. Some people can talk until their adversaries capitulate. Other orators can arouse an entire nation to take up arms (that's Hitler for you - no doubt, a bad example).
If you have harboured these doubts about yourself, it's time to chuck them all away. What's the point of going to the grave feeling that you are truly a loser. It's simply a waste of time living on earth.
If you are suffering from low self-esteem, there's one surefire way of getting rid of it. Take a walk in the busiest part of the neighbourhood you are living in. Look at the number of people who are worse off than you. Do you want to end up like them? Surely, this world has already enough of people who are "down on their luck", "don't get all the lucky breaks," "born on the wrong side of the family," "god forsaken few", etc.
Those are all excuses by people who have given up on life. You are one person with unique attributes. You are capable of doing anything you want as long there's breath in your body. There are people a thousand times worse off than you who have made it, and done it well.
Always walk on the side of sunshine. See the bright side, no matter how many times silly people tell you that's it's a cliche. Who cares? You are you. You decide which path to take in life.
Remember, you too have a right to exist on earth and to do well. If you can fold a napkin better than all the others, then let that be your advantage. Hell, if you can fold napkins, you can also arrange the cutlery to everyone's satisfaction.
Have fun in anything and everything you do. Enthusiasm do make the difference, as Norman Vincent Peale says.

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