Thursday, August 04, 2005

Procastination is a long, long word

IF YOU are a bit like me (in the past), then you would understand what I am about to say. Procastinators are individuals who find it hard to lift their butts off the chair, lift their arms to call their loved ones and open their minds to new ideas.
If only life has fewer procastinators, then government departments would be more efficient, traffic lights would be on time and lawyers don't have to issue letters on behalf of angry clients.
However, being human (a much abused description), we all procastinate at one time or another. Now, why do we subject ourselves quite happily to this malaise? "I am just tired," say many.
Hogwash! Procastination is a habit born of self-imposed inertia and lack of self-discipline. For example, if you delay proposing to your girlfriend who has been going out with you for the past five years, she may just get up and find another hunk.
Notice that successful entrepreneurs are seldom procastinators. To these people, time is indeed money. If you are a bit slow, the deal goes to someone else. So speed is of the essence and procastination can only spell financial disaster if it is let to fallow.
When I was little, I came across the line "procastination is the thief of time". I didn't really understand its meaning until I had suffered its consequences. Now, I know only too well what it's like to be caught on the wrong side of procastination.
If procastination is the thief of time, then strike while the iron is hot should be the opposing phrase. For example, if you want a good seat for a great show at the cinema, then you should be among the first five people in the queue buying tickets.
If you want to be in line for fast-track promotion, then your hand should be the first to shoot up when your boss asks for volunteers to carry out an assignment. Forget what other workers may think of you, it is your choice. If the others do not want to grab the opportunity, it is their loss.
Shoot for the sky, as the wise saying goes. Does that line ever jell with procastination? Never! I have been told that if you ever want to get a job done, give it to the busiest guy around.
The logic of it is that the busiest guy is probably the most organised chap in the office. Because he has so many things to do, he does not have time to put off till tomorrow all the things that are piling up on his In-Tray.
Every person has his own organiser, whether it is his PDA or paper-form organiser. A person who knows how to manage time is almost never a procastinator. So here is where the men are separated from the boys. Real men are realistics, mature and responsible.
Consequently, real men do priority tasks first, then they move down the list. Delaying urgent tasks is likened to spitting in the wind. Quite often, the spit comes directly back at your face.
Have you ever experienced NOT doing something important and then totally forgot about it until it is too late? "Oh My God!" is usually the initial reaction on discovering what you have left undone. Then you run around like a headless chicken or a naked man.
If you want to learn NOT to procastinate, then you must decide early in life not to delay. Delaying is a habit. Once it becomes a habit, it will slowly seep into your persona and you develop the tendency to delay, procastinate, put off and cancel appointments. Eventually, you can only be labelled as Untrustworthy. It is not a nice word to put on anybody but you can actually earn that badge of dishonour.
Learn now, better still, learn as early as possible while in school at least, not to delay doing things, or procastinate. Why procastinate, you may not survive tomorrow.
If you have always wanted to say "I love you" to someone special, why procastinate? Is it because you are afraid that you will be laughed at? If you say it, and mean it, chances are the other party will appreciate the remark even if she does not reciprocate the feeling. People who laught at sincere remarks have issues within themselves which are left unresolved.
Do not be afraid to do the right thing. Doing the right thing usually means don't procastinate.

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