Monday, August 08, 2005

Breathe In, Breathe Out

THERE'S a sense of rhythem in everything in the universe. Once I came across a description of God. Everyone knows that galaxies expand at speeds unimaginable to humans.
Conceive a simple idea of how a balloon inflates and apply it to the galaxies. When God breathes, the universes known and unknown move outwardly at speeds yet undiscovered by man. Perhaps it may take zillions of light-years (according to our limited grasp of astro-physics). When the entire scheme of things has reached its zenith, if ever there exists one, the contraction begins.
Imagine it is just God's breath that moves all that exists. Now, imagine this in the scenario when everything expands outwards. Now, you are beginning to get the idea.
From this concept, look into your own existence. It is said by masters of yoga, qigong, tai chai and other martial arts, breathing is one of the most important human behaviours ever exists but few have discovered the "secret" of its function, and the essence of its origin.
Carried out properly, deep breaths - inhaling and exhaling - can bring great benefits to the human body. Deep breathing is a healing process by itself. It is like a washing machine, to put it crudely.
Breathing in and breathing out cleanses the body of waste in the form of bad qi. It somehow re-tunes the body, much like an expert tuning a piano which is out of tune.
Deep breaths recharge and revitalise internal organs. It transport vital oxygen to the brain; makes a person more alert; kickstarts the sleepy portions of your cerebral headquarters.
Deep breathing is one of the simplest exercises known to experts. It is completely free and exacts very little effort on your part. It lowers blood pressure and brings the colours to your cheeks. It sharpens your visual focus.
It has been authenticated that a martial art exponent underwent an operation. He was a keen health practitioner. Obviously, he can't do those dynamic exercises. The only option open to him was deep breathing.
He went into it with an admirable gusto. As a result of his diligent breathing, his recovery rate was astounding. Even his doctor was shocked, to put it mildly. The man later confessed that it was actually the deep breathing that did it. He was the living proof. Actually, initially he was sceptical but after he recovered, he became quite convinced that deep breathing was an art form which has benefits that are marvellous for everybody of all ages.
So if you are interested, just make deep breathing as part of your persona. The correct way to breathe is to breathe through your stomach. That means your tummy must rise and fall.
A lot of people breathe deeply by expanding their chest. That's a wrong approach. The right way is the way I explained earlier. It takes practice but after a while you should be able to get the hang of it. If you do it religiously, it is almost assured that you will always be healthy and less prone to illness.
Try it, follow it relgiously and watch miracles take place.

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