Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Heart of the matter

What have Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Rodan, Monet, Rembrant, Tchaikovsky and Paganini have in common? Answer - their hearts are all in their works. And so unravels the secret of all great artworks or works of genius.
Those who put their heart and soul in things they love, almost never fail to shine through their works because the heart of the matter is the heart of the human.
We all love great works of art. Some of us can understand and decipher the intricacies that go into the making of a masterpiece but very, very few of us really understand what makes an art great.
One of the greatest facts governing any creation that comes from the hands of man is the heart that he brings into it. Remember E.T. - that masterpiece of a movie by Steven Spielberg? That movie rocked cinemas worldwide when it was screened.
Somehow, it found the right chord that resonates across the wide belt of human population across the oceans and over the continents. Spielberg's success was triggered by something he remembered in his childhood.
That sense of wonder, the bewilderment of fantasy and the ever-elusive charm of a Peter Pan world. It is something that is in the heart of every child on earth. Spielberg was able to translate his heart's desire into a movie that caught the imagination of all cinema goers.
In my years growing up, I have always derived the greatest pleasures from dreaming wonderful dreams, and aspiring after my greatest heart's desires. Some people say being a dreamer has its drawbacks. I say being a dreamer has rich rewards.
Imagining the unreachable doesn't mean going after the impossible. It is often said that what the mind can imagine the heart can achieve.
The heart is the gateway to the soul. And the soul is that elusive, fleeting path to heaven and the misty shadow of its pearly gates. The closer we are to our heart, the clearer is the view of heaven. What we finally arrive at the heart of the matter, so to speak, we behold what few men on earth have accomplish. We see the impossible, the unreachable, and the unattainable.
The human heart is that shining beacon that lights our path as we journey along the avenue of life. It makes clear what seems murky and brings a sense of peace to troubled circumstance.
If you have family problems, woes with your spouse and rows with your children, use the strongest weapon in your human arsenal - the gift of your heart. Ask yourself: what does your heart tells you. When you hears it message, heed it and then apply its wisdom on the circumstance that troubles you so. Then watch miracles happen.

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