Monday, August 29, 2005

Mother Nature Strikes Back

OKAY, will somebody please say something totally logical and reasonable with regard to global climatic conditions. This is being written on Aug 29, 2005. As you all know, Hurricane Katrina is bearing down on Louisana Mississippi and heading inland for some serious damage.
Europe is battered left, right and centre by floods. India is drowning in waters too high and haze is choking the life out of the Malaysian peninsula.
Weather scientists are so far keeping mum about the weird conditions that this puny earth is being subjected to. CNN is reporting every hour on the hour on the natural disasters which are becoming anything but natural.
Whoever heard of typhoons and hurricanes on a weekly basis? Is anybody thinks this is normal then I am from another planet. The only logical and scientific explanation came from a scientist recently.
He said storms and hurricanes are occurring with increasing intensity because of the global warming effect. Apparently, in the most simple terms, the heat is causing these upsurges of air and sucking in forces that are assaulting earth with great ferocity.
These will continue with great swiftness and mounting frequency until someone on earth knows what to do. Telling the earth's population of six billion that we are being beaten from one corner of the earth to the other is not the solution.
The bottom line is heavy casualties. If Mother Nature is not appeased or amused by the reckless machinations of humans with her siblings like soil, rivers, mountains, air and trees, everybody has got to pay, even if their lives are laid to waste.
Somehow, all the course of events is not comforting to us ordinary people. Before it is all over, I reckon most people are going to suffer the effects of an angry Mother Nature.
As in most things alive and has a life-force of its own, adverse reaction is expected when the balance is disturbed. Man has for too long been tampering with the ground on which he walks, with the air he breathes and with the vegetation that has given him food.
Nothing lasts forever, as they say. Humankind is now beginning to find out what it's like to muck around with forces they cannot control.
The joke's over, folks. I think it's time to say sorry to Mother Nature and her spouse Father Earth for all the waste and unkind deeds carried out by us for the sake of modern convenience and our own reckless greed.

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