Monday, December 05, 2005

Wish List for Christmas

Actually, I pretty have everything I need but there are always a few selfish items that sometimes gives life that added spice.
I wish I have a bigger and better motorcycle. The present one is adequate but it's also ageing, so it is about time I think seriously abour retiring it.
I wish I have a second house. Now, I know that's greedy but the present one is getting all cluttered up. Perhaps it's time to do some spring-cleaning of the old house. Humans are so dissatisfied with all that they have. I guess you could say I am standing on the fringe.
I wish I can just get up and take the entire family for a good vacation across the border. But somehow, not everybody can just get up and go. We have to synchronise our schedules and perhaps even our watches. Work schedules do not permit a harmony in holiday plans but I am sure something can be worked out if we really sit down and think it through.
I wish I can get a few more great fixed blades and folders of my choice. It's a bit late in the evening to consider expanding my knife collection but there's never a really good time. Anytime is always a good time for me.
Yes, I am a knife enthusiast. Among my so-called circle, we are known as knife knuts. We appreciate all the well made sharpened tools. Now and then, we find one which we really like and purchase it. Then, we spent months playing around with it, staring at it, cutting paper with it and then putting it among the others in one of the many drawers in the house.
I wish I could help desperate people in a nice and unacknowledged way. That's the way to do it, isn't it?
Right now, I am feeling the effects of a shortened night of rest. I could do with a few more hours of sleep. I could be lying in a waterbed with soft music in the background and a fragrance that lightens the stress-load of the day and eases every tired muscle in my body. Ahhhh... that's life. That's one of my dearest wishes.
I wish peace will reign over the holy land, that there will be permanent peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis; that there will be a solution to the alarming AIDS situation in the African continent.
I wish that the dreaded Avian Flu will find its own journey's end soo. I wish there will be no famine-stricken areas in this world.
I wish that there won't be a repeat of the Tsunami anywhere around the world. I wish tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons will be phenomena of the past and I wish the the troubled spots in the world will be swept by the winds of peace.
I wish Iraq and her citizens will find peace, joy, jobs, water and electricity all at one go.
I wish all the orphans in the world will find happiness and joy wherever they are. I wish every widow will not shed a single tear in their entire lives. I wish all criminals will return to the path of righteousness.
There may be alarming signs coming from the North Pole but I wish people are now living in the path of danger will find higher ground and be away from harm's way when the roof caves in.
I wish there will be better movies coming in the next 3 months and I wish I will never suffer a day of illness for the rest of my natural life.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Try this if you're are bored

Call all knife knuts

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