Saturday, December 03, 2005

How to live up to 120.....

Okay, I was just kidding. But you can lead a relatively trouble-free life, as far as illness is concerned, by following a few simple rules.
Number one, you should take long walks. I don't care where you go and how you do it, so long as you walk, walk and walk. You can actually do it in shopping malls, airports and shopping arcades. Doctors will tell you that 10-minute walks will do your body a lot of good.
Two, condition your lungs and body to take in deep, restful breaths. Slow down the deep breaths, too. Researchers recently found out that long, deep breaths do wonderful things for your blood pressure and immune systems. The ancient ones in the East knew about this a very long time ago. That's why you read about it in kung fu manuals and see the movements in tai chi and qigong exercises.
Three, drinks a lot of water but don't drown in fluid. Ordinarily, people don't drink enough. Some people drink all the wrong fluids. Plain water is just fine. No need to sweeten it.
Four, free your mind from worries. This takes some doing but try it anyway. You should learn to drop at least one persistent worry a day. If you can keep it up for two weeks, you would have lighten your mental burden by a large margin.
Five, feel the love that is inherent in your heart. Don't be afraid to care for people. Some people are so afraid to feel for others. They are frighten that others will take advantage of them, or their feelings will not be reciprocated or that they will be open to abuse or get hurt easily.
If you feel the love in you, that feeling will remain a constant and nothing, absolutely nothing can hurt you or it. That is a promise by God himself. Surely, you trust him, don't you?
Six, do not care so much about what others think of you. For goodness sake, there are so many people in this world. It is quite tiring to live by the dictates of others. Just be yourself. Challenge yourself all the time. Don't let others challenge you. You live your life. Don't let others live it for you.
Seven, don't abuse your body by eating everything and anything in sight. The idea is moderation. You can eat almost anything you like but know your limits. The body is just an organism that has to live by the rules of anatomy, so there are limitations. Recognise them and then, live and eat wisely.
Eight, smile often. It is called conditioning. It is something that triggers the feel-good gene in another human being. It is the innate good habit that lives in all of us, young and old, big or small.
Nine, try to live as simply as possible. Do not crave too deeply or too passionately that may not be good for you. For example, try to emulate John Travolta's life by having two planes parked on your porch. Look, there can only be one John Travolta or maybe one other person similar to him. Just be yourself.
Also, don't aspire to be another Howard Hughes. Look what happened to him? Being a billionaire can be a horrendous way of living a life. It's not for everyone. Yes, Bill Gates may be having fun but he too has problems that may be similar to yours. I keep telling friends that millionaires are always living a life of quiet desperation. Why they are desperate, I do not venture to guess but I know they are "desperate" in their own way. Also, money can't solve a lot of things. Believe me, I know.
Ten, nourish your soul. Even if you are an agnostic, be realistic and know that there's a world beyond this one and there are other things that man the intelligent being does not know. Albert Einstein was clearly in awe of the unknown and God. C.S. Lewis the famous British author also knows much about religion.
If these very clever people are so humble about things they don't know much about, we shouldn't behave as if we know too much already. Be humble. Make humility part of your persona, and you will be fine.
If you know anything more, email me. I am here to learn, just as much as you are.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Try this if you're are bored

Call all knife knuts

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