Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Looking at 2006 and beyond

I guess now is a good time as any to take stock of my life and view what the new year can bring. Here I am guilty, like many others, of thinking what 2006 can give me.
Actually, I should be planning to make things happen, rather than wait for things to happen. I guess that's the trouble with blokes like me. We are on a constant quest for adventures to take place in our lives.
We should be able to make things happen. That would be more exciting. So I shall rephrase my first statement. My New Year Resolution is to make good and positive things happen to my life and also to other people's lives.
The world is now at the razor's edge of big, radical changes. Don't ask me what because I am not a clairvoyant. I just feel it. If it's not one of those earth-altering climactic changes, it would probably be another earthquake of biblical proportions.
Before somebody hit me on the head and ask me to get out of town, I must remind them that the facts would back me up. In the past 24 months, statistics have shown that geological movements of earth-shattering levels have been gathering momentum and are occurring on a rather alarming basis.
Notice the buzz among seismologists and watchers of earth changes. The media too have been playing up these reports but as usual, few people give much credence to these news items. I guess it won't be long before we will be knocked off our feet by some unusual occurrences that will capture our attention for months on end.
Take for example, the 2004 December tsunami. Nobody really expected it because it was a bright, sunny day when it took place. There was only one guy who was overly concerned. He was that Thai chap who actually predicted that such a tsunami will take place in 2004.
His announcement was made in 1998. His own people called him crazy and accused him of trying to ruin the tourism trade. Well, as we all know now that he was dead on in his prediction. In fact, the Thai authorities were so impressed that they have recruited him into the government.
The people of this planet have been complacent for too long and have taken for granted too many blessings that have been bestowed on its inhabitants. We have clearly been found guilty of misusing and abusing many of these blessings. Earth is a living organism.
After millions of years, environmental changes will take place. Lately however, these changes have been hastened due to certain consequences engineered by man. To claim innocence would be ludicrous. Thus, polar caps are melting at a drastic rate. Global warming has become a hot topic and powerful hurricanes and typhoons are now wreaking havoc the world over.
End of times? Well, that remains to be seen. If you are the praying kind, I suggest you be more earnest now. Before it's all over, more physical damage will take place. Frankly, it's not really all about the upheavals on Mother Earth, it is about man's relation to the environment he's in, how he treats it and how he protects it.
It is also about his attitude towards what is beyond earth. Too much materialism and a preponderance towards personal advancement have put man and earth on a collision course. We can of course argue this issue till earth reaches another Ice Age but it is now more glaring than the past two hundred years.
I recall reading somewhere that these so-called earth-altering changes have been occurring with much rapidity over the past 20 years compared with the past 200 years. Looking on the bright side, if these catastrophic level happenings were to take place at any time in man's history, now would be a good time because man has in his hands technology that could minimise the damage and make repairs at great speed.
So that's one advantage. That is a small consolation for those who will eventually end up as part of a long casualty list but being cold-blooded about the whole thing helps to put things in perspective.
I wish there was some other way to ameliorate the whole earth-shattering issue but that won't change the course of events that will certainly take place in our lifetime. Call me an alarmist if you wish but it is a wiser move to make preparations than go out and have the time of your life.
So what can we do to prepare for such changes that are going to take place on earth and the changes that will force us to alter our lifestyles before long? Get prepared, I say.
Monitor the weather reports on TV and radio. Get ready to move out of harm's way. You wouldn't want to be in the path of a humungus tornado or hurricane, would you?
Seek alternative sites for "second homes". Don't hesitate to get out of the way if the authorities sound the alarm bells.
It would be good to walk the spiritual path at this time of your life. It may help to explain a lot of things that are happening. I don't want to get into a heavy discussion about God and his plans. Too many people are touchy about this subject but for those who understand what I am getting at, you will know what to do.
Even if you don't, you could pray now and then to seek spiritual guidance. If you ask earnestly enough with sincerity in its unadulterated form, you will get the answers.
The good news is THIS IS NOT THE END. From where I am coming from, there's neither the end, nor there's a beginning. It's good to learn to care for others if you don't have time to cultivate that kind of habit for a long time.
You will be surprised what you can learn. Since you really have nothing to lose, you should really try it. For perhaps the first time in your life, play the role of the good guy. If you are already a good guy, keep at it. Do it sincerely, happily and willingly.
The earth suffers from a drastic shortage of good guys. Too many want to be the celebrity. Too few choose the "servant" role. The secret of happiness lies in the latter.
And on my part, I shall pray for the rest of the world.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

There's something to be said about taking the initiative.

Call all knife knuts

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