Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mind - the final frontier

THE final frontier is not space as Captain Kirk would have told all of us a long, long time ago. The real final frontier is our mind. Actually, the mind is merely the gateway.
If you were to talk to a yogi or a zen master, they will tell you that it begins in the mind, then it leads to a realm even words cannot describe. If you want to call it the "final frontier", that's fine.
It is just there. You can't really describe it. It is an experience. It is the end of what's real to you and the beginning of what truly exists.
Let me put it this way. Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. This sentence is borrowed from someone whom I admired very much. She has spoken of things that have reached deep in my soul and awakened knowledge that has lain dormant for ages until the right time.
Her name is Helen Schumann. You may want to know more about her in your own spare time.
On its most basic level, it is from the mind that light bulbs were found. Same goes for vehicles with wheels and aircraft with wings. Leonardo da Vinci had produced some of mankind's most startling discoveries from the playground of his mind. Leonardo has also painted some of the world's most loved pictures from his mind's eye.
Hence, it is without dispute that the mind is the motherlode of all this is bright and beautiful and enduring. But there are those who venture into the labyrinth of the mind and emerge in other worlds that only a chosen few among us know of or are privileged to learn about.
In time to come, this privilege will be the property of others as well. Nevertheless, it exists - this final frontier as we call it. Those who have experienced it live to tell of wondrous things that the human imagination cannot conceive.
The dominion, if I can call it such, is the stuff that only God knows of. Once you have entered the final frontier and partake of its offerings, your life here and now will never be the same again.
You will no longer look at a flower as a mere flower. Creatures like insects and animals will no longer be alien to you. There is no more barrier. All will be understood. The communication barrier between non-human and human will no longer exist. The veil of obscurity will be lifted forevermore.
It will be a time for rejoicing because there will be no time. Happiness becomes as real as breathing in and breathing out.
You will no longer be concerned with temporal stuff because you see them for what they are. They are just things of little or no consequence in the whole marvellous scheme of things.
Life on earth becomes bridge leading you to miracles. Everything will be crystal clear. There won't be any need for explanation. Doubts vanish. Just being there is sufficient.
Before you were asleep, now you are awakened and all is pure joy of unhuman proportions. Know that all this is within grasp. There lies the hope of all mankind amid the so-called uncertainties that occupy the pages of our daily newspapers.
You are not alone. You are not a nobody. You are a spirit and it is enough for now for you to know that love is the most powerful gift that has been bestowed freely upon the human race. And in the end, it is all there is. Peace, my friends.

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Sooner or later you are gonna find out money doesn't grow on trees!

Call all knife knuts

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