Monday, December 12, 2005

There's a master plan for you!

Very few people ever think that they are special but consider this:

* What if you have not been born in this particular family...
* What if you were born on the wrong side of the track in life...
* What if you are living in an impoverished country and were an orphan...
* What if you were born physically handicapped...
* What if you were born mentally challenged...
* What if you were a criminal destined to meet a violent end....eventually
* What if your wife had not met and married you, would she be as happy?
* What if you were not a father today and you don't have children to brighten up your life
* What if you had a different pair of parents and they are not as kind as the present ones
* What if you born to lead a labour-intensive life
* What if you were destined to walk down a life of many sorrows
* What if some of the people you know have not had their lives changed for the better because of association with you
* What if you were not around to give hope and joy to your closed friends, family members and other loved ones
* What if you were not around to lend a desperate person a hand, and this random act of kindness changed things for the better for that affected person
* What if you had not seen and experienced some of the finest cuisine ever laboured over in the kitchen
* What if you truly do not realise that you are indeed one of the luckiest people on earth
* What if you were not born to give others a chance to be good and kind
* What if you were not singled out to perform an act of extraordinary importance
* What if you were not the victim of some confidence trickster's deed and consequently did not learn to be a better man in future
* What if you didn't experience something traumatic and did not have a reason to alter life's priorities so that millions of others are the better for it

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Just when you thought there's nothing interesting

Call all knife knuts

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