Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Born To Be Mild

Of course, everybody would like to be described as "born to be wild". Excuse me, but you are not a coyote so don't even try to entertain that idea.
But seriously, some of us think it's pretty cool to be labelled as such - "wild". Very few really know the connotations of born to be wild. If you are a member of the homo sapiens, then it usually does not carry very polite imaginings of that description.
If you are like me, you probably belong to the very broad belt of people who are "born mild". The meaning of born mild simply means that most of the time, you mind your own business.
You are definitely not the gung-ho type who are constantly on the lookout for emergency situations so that you can play the hero. If you find yourself smack right in the middle of the robbery in progress, you are apt to follow the robbers' orders to the letter, with your eyes closed and your head tucked between your legs.
Mild people are everywhere. That's why we generally have peace on earth. Those militant types will violently disagree with any general notion of being mild. Mild people usually make good spouses. They are not liable to exhibit sudden bursts of irrational behaviour or brave enough to get a mistress.
So that's pretty good, I guess. Mild individuals are also good providers because they are afraid to antagonise their better halves and get beaten up for being too "forward".
I am a mild person, or at least I think so. I haven't "rocked the boat" for ages. I normally agree with me boss in front of his face. I don't bad-mouth him behind his back because there are too many spies in the office. So I keep my opinions mainly to myself.
Besides, I am not sure if I will do a better job if I am sitting in his chair.
Born-to-be-wild people are unpredictable. They are so because it is in their nature. Just as it is in the nature of scorpions to sting. Count in the bees as well.
Wild people are fun to be with, some of the time. They are dangerous if you have them for company at a shady bar because if they provoke a fight, they are liable to protect themselves and leave you to the mercy of the burly others.
Wild people don't make very reliable friends, simply because they tend to act on their impulses. They are incorrigibly rash and have more adventurism in their blood than common sense.
A lot of people like wild individuals but they don't want to be them. They just want to join in the fun when all "hell breaks loose". Mild people have very mundance lives so they secretly crave for some unexpected happening, even if it has to be at someone else's expense.
Mild versus wild? You decide. If you survive a hairty situation. Write and tell me all about it.

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Specially for the curious onlooker

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