Monday, April 18, 2005

When is it a good time to retire?

ACTUALLY, never. Man was not made for inertia. I reckon when we talk of retirement, we think of leaving our jobs and live on our pensions, go fishing, read books and travel around the world indefinitely.
Retirement in the real sense of the word, in reality, is bad for us. I have a number of friends who retired and then promptly died soon afterwards. You could say they have given up on life. They saw the pointlessness of a continued existence.
When a person makes up his mind to die, his body obeys accordingly. We can "programme" our bodies to do whatever we want them to do.
Therefore, my friends, don't ever retire. It is bad for longevity. We are created to live out every minute of our life - be it long or short. Every second that is given to us must, hopefully, be put to fruitful use.
In other words, somebody somewhere has benefited from their association with us. We will indeed have made this neighbourhood, this community, this society and eventually this world a better place with your presence.
Retirement is for those who have failed to live up to their potential. Do something that makes you happy. Engage in some activity so as to while the time away. Your work must make the day seem short. The hours become mere minutes to you in the course of your work.
If it is the kind of work that you enjoy, then it will cease to be work. It will be a joy. It will be happiness. Such a state of mind will be reflected in your face, in your very being. You will begin to treat others as you yourself want to be treated.
Your happiness will soon become infectious. You will laugh more. You will dance. You will sing. You will touch heaven while your feet are firmly planted on earth.
Don't retire from life. Be active till it's time to slow down but continue to do the things you love. It may be painting, it may be tending to your garden, it may even be writing things of no particular importance. Do it all and do it with joy in your heart.
You know who are those who have really retired? The people in the cemetery. Don't be like them before your time. You are made for living. So live it up!!!

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