Monday, April 04, 2005

How to go to sleep like a baby!

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Many, many people around the world experience difficulties falling asleep. It is actually not that hard. Here are a few tips:

1. Leave all your worries outside your bedroom door.
2. Wear loose clothing in bed
3. Make sure the sleeping quarters is well ventilated, neither too cold nor too hot.
4. Lie on your back, take a couple of deep breaths and exhale slowly. Please enjoy doing it. If you feel comfortable with seven deep breaths, do so.
5. Think happy thoughts. Imagine happy scenes of your life. I mean really revel in them.
6. Don't worry about not sleeping fast enough. The idea is to relax, regardless
7. Don't harbour murderous thoughts of your enemy while lying in bed.
8. Think of a bright, blue, cloudless sky. Imagine your body floating up to the blue yonder. Now, imagine your body merging with the sky and it is dissipating into the blueness. You are becoming one with the sky. Floating, expanding, totally relaxed.
9. Think of your loved ones. How happy they are because of you. How happy you are because of them.
10. Pray for everybody you know, everybody you love and everybody you hate.

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