Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Chuckling at adversity

Ever heard of this phrase, "I snigger at misery, chuckle at adversity and laugh in the face of sorrow". A long time ago, I cam across this line and thought it was pretty funny.
After I had composed myself, I realised how wise it was, so I kept it close to my heart. These days when I am in any situation that mirrors the above, I recall the wise counsel of that line and pick myself up.

Blessed are those indeed who see the common thread that links happiness to joy to anxiety to sorrow to pain and to peace of mind. If you can see that these are the faces of a common entity then you would have conquered the ills that have plagued man since the dawn of time.
Treat all these imposters as the same and they will have little or no effect on you. Imagine, if you are suddenly laid off by your employer and on your way home your car suffered a puncture. Just when you pull out the cell phone to call the AAM, the cell phone battery dies on you. When you reach home, you discover that your house has been burgled and hours later your son tells you that he has done badly in his exam. Later, your wife scolds you for no reason at all.
Would you laugh then? Crazy, isn't it? But there's no better time than then to laugh and snigger at the "mad" things that come like an avalanche at you. The person who can chuckle at all these happenings which take place on the same day is a leader among leaders.
And yet anybody can achieve that state of mind. All you need to tell yourself is the thing is only important to you if you attach importance to it. See it in the wide scheme of things.
Fifty years from now or maybe even sooner when Death pays you a visit, all the impermanent things on Earth will be insignificant all of a sudden. Only those who live after you will place any importance to material items. As for you, you will be too busy looking forward to your "new" life elsewhere.
Therefore, learn to laugh at misery and poke fun at sorrow. They can only make you feel blue if you allow them.
Develop the mindset of treating seemingly difficult challenges as imposters. See the lighter side of life. Put on a funny DVD and laugh with all sincerity and watch your troubles melt away.

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