WHEN I was a little boy, I lived in a house that was fairly small. But since all the rest of the brother and sisters were hobbit-sized, the house looked big enough for all of us.
The years melted away and I soon entered my teenage years. Suddenly, I developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Since, television in my country Malaysia was still in its infancy, radio and books were the only two sources of information readily available.
My dad was not a reader, neither was my mum. The only things to read were the newspaper and an old set of Grolier encyclopedia and some children's fairy tale books. I recall really craving for more books of substance. My mind reached out and there was practically nothing.
I was frustrated. The years passed and I progressed to secondary school level. Things brightened up a little. There was a public library a couple miles away from my house. I quickly became a member because membership was free.
Every month, I borrowed four books. That was the maximum number the library allowed. I guess at that stage, I bit off more than I could chew. I picked books that were beyond my understand. I was that curious.
There were books on Chinese philosophy by ancient wisemen like Lao Tze, Mencius and Chuang Tze. I read some of these books but could only understand about 20 per cent of their contents. But I was contented with the little amount of knowledge I could absorb.
I recall one book entitled International Communism. It was so boring and dry that I almost choked on it. But being the stubborn person I was, I read it right till the last paper. If there was anything good about me, it was determination and perseverance.
The decades have passed. Now I have passed the half-century mark. My house is filled with books bought, some given and accumulated over the years from different towns, cities and countries.
I am beginning to realise that my house is running out of space for book storage. I am glad I have all these books. They have enabled me to journey to lands I have not step foot on. They opened my eyes and mind to wonders beyond my understanding.
Nevertheless, I am in awe because of the "windows" made available by books. I have read books that have made me cry. I have read books that have strengthened my resolve, warm my heart and brought joy to my soul.
Books truly are one of man's greatest creations and inventions. Now with the Internet, the world of knowledge has been dispensed with its borders. Now everyone and anyone can expand his mind and be educated - all within reach and all at the tip of his fingers.
Every child should develop an interest in reading. I still recall a saying:
"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't ready them."
So read till the day it's time to leave this wonderful planet.