Friday, November 04, 2005

Walking through the Heart of Fear

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EVERYONE, I mean, everybody on earth still alive, has at some time in his life, whether when he was young, now or at middle-age, felt fear in his heart, mind and entire body.
Fear is probably one of the greatest stumbling blocks in man's march towards his biggest personal potential. Man has fear built into his system. It is not an entirely useless emotion.
Fear helps check your silly, impulsive behaviour that may do more damage to yourself than anyone else. Fear keeps you alive in a way. At the same time, fear also keeps you stunned.
When you feel fear, you tend to retreat into a safe haven, or just not do it. The latter option is the favourite among most people - not do anything. But fear must be conquered because it does not really exist except in your own mind.
FEAR as the gurus of motivation say is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Once you understand the DNA of fear and how it operates, its influence on your entire persona will greatly diminish. For example, you have always wanted to be like Billy Graham, speaking in front of millions and feel no fear but only filled with the remarkable faith in the Almighty. Now, how wonderful would that be.
Yes, you can also walk up to your boss and ask diplomatically and reasonably for a salary increase. There is a good chance that he will say "I will consider your request". Or, there is also the possibility of him saying "Get out of my office, you crazy coot!"
The last two scenarios will scare the beejeepers out of you. That is fear operating at its greatest potential. Now, think of this possibility or scenario - what if you know that next month or next week, you will not be on earth anymore, where does that put fear?
It is aptly said that a man without fear is a man capable of wondrous deeds. Don't allow others to tell you that "a man without hope is a man without fear". That line came from one of Frank Miller's Daredevil comics.
Seriously though, fear keeps you and others from doing the right thing all the time. A year or two ago, a close friend of mine told me that his mother and he hardly spoke to each other for years. Somehow their relationship had soured over the years and both of them found it embarrassing to talk to each other like mother and son anymore.
I told my friend that he should be the one to break the ice and speak to his mother because it is his duty. What if, I said, your mum were to die suddenly next week. Wouldn't it be a waste of human potential for reconciliation?
Don't wait for the right moment, don't wait for your mum's next move, I repeatedly reminded him. Now is the right time. There is no other time.
Fortunately, he did make the right move and their relationship is so much stronger now. He walked through the heart of fear and emerged a new man in his mother's eyes.
Fear is what keeps you awake at night over things that very possibly will not happen in the morning. Fear is what keeps you from telling your dear one that "I love you" because you are afraid that you will be laughed at. Let's imagine the unreal, she really laughs at you. Who's the loser? Not you, certainly. It's her because you were not afraid to speak from your heart, and it's true. Truth holds no fear.
Fear keeps a lot of people from fulfilling their true potential. And what is a person's true potential. It's anything that you put your mind into doing. If you want to become a pilot even if you are middle-age now, you can still do so. It is that real. Fear is that imaginary little guy sitting on your shoulder, tugging at your ear, telling you "don't do it!"
If you listen to this little fellow too much, you won't amount to much for the rest of your miserable life on earth and end up having the stature of that little guy on your shoulder. What a waste of precious years on earth.
Tell yourself every morning of everyday of the rest of your life from now on that you can do anything you want because you have the talent, skill, and perseverance to see to its successful conclusion.
You are the man. Now, go ahead to achieve something big.


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