Thursday, November 10, 2005

Diary of a non-conformist

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Cash is King!

What is a non-conformist? A non-conformist, according to the Webster's 1828 Dictionary is "One who neglects or refuses to conform to the rites and mode of worship of an established church".
These days, a non-conformist simply means a person who ignores the normal norms of politically correct behaviour. Say, if gentlemen always stands up for a lady at the dining table, this guy continues to ignore her and continues eating.
If arriving for church service on time, this guy walks in during communion. Non-conformists frequently irritates othes. Normal people find the effect jarring when a person decides to behave outside the normal rules of decent behaviour.
What constitutes decent behaviour means what is generally considered acceptable behaviour by normal-thinking members of society.
On the plus side, non-conformists generally buck the establishment so that it bothers everybody. And even more irritating is that non-conformists always come up with the best solutions because of the way their brain works.
"Oh, he's a non-conformist" is the usual remark when someone can't explain another person's behaviour.
After years of co-existing with different types of people, I have arrived at the conclusion that a non-conformist is simply a person who is not afraid of living the kind of life he chooses. Good for him. So long as he does not break the law, then nobody should bother him.
We all could do with some non-conformism genes running through our DNA, that way most of us won't be seen as boring in other people's eyes.
Non-conformism means don't pick oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Now and then, just eat a single banana or a glass of cranberry juice. Don't always wear that dull-looking tie to office, now and then wear a bolo tie.
Don't always drive a car just like the millions who do, sometimes ride a bicycle to office. Don't always look ahead and afraid to make eye-contact, sometimes smile and say "hello".
Being a non-conformist can be fun, if you know how.
Strictly for knife knuts

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