Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Importance of Being Ordinary

Men in general want to be rich, famous and brilliant. Not necessarily in that order but generally if the three qualities are there in a package, it's fine with them.
I wish to dispute with that kind of personal philosophy. Being rich and famous has its advantages but in the long run, it can be delibilating and cumbersome. Just take a long, hard look at some of the famous people which National Inquirer is constantly gossiping about.
Do you think they really relish being the butt of everybody's jokes after a while. The moment you forget to put on your make-up or comb your hair, your "real self" appears in all its tarnished spectacle in the next issue of practically every gossip magazine in town.
It is a tremendous burden to look good, be good and on an even keel financially all the time. Who has the patience and stamina to be such a super being? Now you know why so many celebrities take drugs and other prescriptions to hold on to their sanity.
To be ordinary is an achievement of great unproclaimed proportions. Let's see: being ordinary allows you to eat in the most humble eateries in town or city. You don't have to tip because you are not expected to. Being ordinary allows you to grow old whichever way you want.
You don't have to buy the best face lotion or moisturiser in the market because they are way too expensive and they don't do much for your face. Laughter and joy will bring a glow to your face faster than any known cosmetic solution.
If you are an ordinary citizen, you can wear whatever shirt or dress you have and repeatedly wear them on different functions without the paparazzi taking candid shots of you wearing the same, old clothes. Nobody cares anyway. Neither should you.
If you are famous, you are constantly living by other people's expectations and dictates. How horrible is such a fate.
Your life is no longer yours. Your face and figure become public property. You are not expected to look ordinary because people don't pay to see you in your bad, old ordinary self. Members of the public have unfair expectations of you. They think you are not allowed to display publicly any bad habits, like breaking wind in public or in front of them.
As an ordinary bloke, you can do that but not incessantly, of course. Otherwise, even your family will avoid you.
Being ordinary gives you the chance to perform small things extraordinary and impress everyone, even yourself at times. Isn't that great?
Everyone don't expect you to break a record, look great and not have bad habits. Your way of life is your own and not anyone's else. You are free to roam the streets without photographers trailing you from kitchen to toilet. You have the freedom to wear slippers and torn trousers. Nobody gives two cents what you wear or how you look, because you are an ordinary Joe.
Being ordinary keeps you humble, too. You won't think you are God's gift to mankind or expect to receive gifts from people because you think you are indeed a gift to so many people's lives. If you think like that, after a while, people will get tired of you and say nasty things behind your back. Soon, they will say all that in front of you. That's worse.
So be ordinary and don't complain, because the alternative is not that attractive. Believe me.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Try this if you're are bored

Call all knife knuts

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