Monday, November 28, 2005

See through a child's eyes

One of the greatest compliments I received recently was "It's amazing that you can still be wondered!" I take it to mean that I continue to find new things in life that amaze me.
Why shouldn't that happen to other people as well? Is it because most of us are now jaded? Have most of us really seen and experienced everything that is worth experiencing?
I believe the best times in life have yet to come. Have you ever seen a child looking at things which are new to him. He is wide-eyed and his attention is intense. Later on in life, we sometimes hear the remark "that wide-eyed kid". That is not supposed to be a compliment.
That's a crying shame. All of us need to be wide-eyed kids again if we are ever going to drink from the holy grail of life. We must treat ordinary things as being extraordinary and look at friends, loved ones and office colleagues in new light.
It's a wonderful experience. We have so long taken so many things for granted that our grasp on life has slackened. It is not good news that we can no longer be surprised; that we can no longer be amazed or astounded or be stunned by new discoveries.
There are so many things that can and should continue to jolt our presence state of mind. Yes, many of us have spent decades on earth. If we are humble enough, we would admit that there's much we have not seen. This is God's earth and it holds endless stream of new happenings, discoveries, creatures and intangible beauties that we have not yet experienced.
We should tell ourselves that the next time we look at something which may seem ordinary, we should become a kid again, staring at it as if we have not seen it before. We try and absorb every visual atom of that subject before our human eyes. We take it the multitude of colours and the vibrancy of the object. Most importantly, we should take our time learning about our new found discovery.
If we can do that and enjoy it all, we shall never again be bored, be sad or be unhappy for the rest of our days on earth. The secret of longevity and child-like happiness lies in the way we look at life and all things related to life.
Be like a child and live forevermore.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Try this if you're are bored

Call all knife knuts

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