Thursday, November 10, 2005

Now's the time for good men to stand up and be counted

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

THERE were times in our history when good men were called upon to help one another. As with the history of man, sometimes the call is heeded and at other times, it is ignored.
Today in this millennium, good men are once again called upon to stand up and fight for peace and pray for the wicked.
The troubles are many but the helpers of sick and weak are few. As usual, many are called, few have answered.
We live in a world that likes to mind its own business. We have neighbours like that. We could even be those neighbours. Many feel that it is a proper social etiquette to mind one's own business. That way, we won't be called busybody or nosey-parker.
This is a troubling time in our history. We have a relentless series of bombings around the world, in the most unexpected places. The bottom line is nobody is really safe.
We all would like to think we are safe but in actual fact, we are not. Now how do we do good and stand up and be counted?
We can do this by not turning our faces the other way when a crime has been committed. We must not act as if we are ignorant when we see someone is being beaten up.
We should do all we can and as much as we can. If we do not, we may lose everything that we have been hoarding all our lives. The concept of safety does not lie in protecting our own "treasures". The secret is to help protect other people and their loved ones.
There are many sad and angry people in different parts of the world. A lot of them are dead set on taking as many lives with them when they check out of planet earth. We feel sorry for them but more importantly we must help the innocent to move out of harm's way.
There's no rule to say that only certain people can be helped and others will have to wait their turns. This is a misconception. All should be helped. All are entitled to compassion, mercy and love.
The good must be awakened from their slumber. It is not enough you commit no crime, or speak no evil against others. It is imperative that the good people be active in pursuing good, practising good values and helping those who are not capable of helping themselves.
If there are enough people in this world who have their hearts open to others, the power of love will be as widespread as the winds that circle the globe.
Yours are not just this planet, your family and your job, yours are the heaven, the joy, happiness, peace of mind and everlasting joy that comes from doing all the good you can, as long as you can, and as much as you can.
If you can do all this, and expecting nothing in return, all will be given to you and everything else that you have not even asked for. For is it not said eons ago that man "must first seek the Kingdom of heaven and the rest will be added unto you."

Calling knife knuts!

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