Saturday, February 04, 2006

When was the last time you cried?

TEARS can either have a balming effect or a heart-wrenching act of contrition. Yes, I too have cried at certain points in my life. In Asia, tears are testimony's of an individual's unshakeable link to his humanity.
When we were born, we announce to the world our arrival by bawling our lungs out. It was an occasion to rejoice for the new parents. From that day on, it is all downhill.
Most of us henceforth from that moment on, cry for all the sad reasons. When we are upset, our faces turn red and maybe even sometimes black. Chances are we become slightly mad, or totally insane. Very few of us actually cry with anger. Men usually don't do that.
When men get angry they tend to plan their adversaries' downfall. When women get mad, they cry. When women are sad, they cry too. Thus, fewer women go to see doctors. Men just get angry, go mad and then proceed on to get heart attacks, develop stomach or liver ailments and then perhaps die. Not exactly, the best recourse but they are none the wiser.
Thus, in truth, it is good to have a good cry now and then. Forget about what your friends have to say about you being a cry-baby. You have a better chance at living longer than them. He who cries first gets to touch base with longevity.
In a way, I like women's method of solving personal problems. They let the tears soften the hard knocks of life and wash away the hurts that may come unannounced and suddenly. From my speech, you probably can tell that I am a man.
Man or woman, it really doesn't exempt anyone from shedding tears. Whether or not, you can actually cry, remains very much a personal decision. Some people cry very easily. They cry when their favourite football team wins. They cry when one of their children passes an important exam. They even cry when they bear witness to a magnificent sunset.
Tears from heaven, as they say. True. Tears are a gift from heaven except that we humans use our tear ducts for the wrong reasons. Tears are allowed during funerals, weddings and court verdicts. Tears are frowned upon when the occasion does not merit it, like your neighbour unintentionally chop down your favourite tree.
We all have tear ducts because it is nature's way of helping us to cope with distressful situations. The ultimate is of course fainting. That is nature's way of saying "okay, I am out of here!"
Otherwise, tears can either be a weapon or a shield. Just look at babies. They are always crying. Notice how often we take notice and give them their milk. Women shed tears to elicit sympathy from men. If you a normal man, and a woman cries because of something you have done to them, would you be able to proceed with your dastardly act? I doubt it. See, that is her weapon, and we get zonked by the act of shedding tears all the time.
On a personal basis, tears as a safety valve should be used sparingly. Use it too often, and the benefit will diminish in time. Use it rarely, and the rewards are great. For example, a period of self-healing and revitalisation. That is why when a dear loved one dies unexpectedly, we cry. With the tears, comes the easing of the burden that weighs heavily on your hearts.
Yes, we do miss our loved ones, our parents, our children and even our dear colleagues. That is what the tear ducts are made for. We cry under extraordinary circumstances, and the very act of crying help us to redeem our humanity in the face of traumatic calamity.
Cry if you have to. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Instead feeling sorry for those who forced themselved not cry. The pain of withholding the tears is must greater than the act of crying that is like releasing the flood waters of a bloated dam.
Human beings are creatures designed to cry. That sets us apart from our creatures roaming the earth. We know how to feel. It is a gift from heaven.

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