Saturday, February 11, 2006

10 ordinary cures for boredom

Individuals are constantly complaining of being bored. And this is apparently the perogrative of the younger generation. "Oh, I am simply bored out of my skull!" is one of those ubiquitous phrases.
"Is nothing happening out there!" clocks in as a close No. 2 on the famous boring remarks. Well, look no further than this page because there are simple cures for this common ailment if you are up to it.

1. Take out your address book and look for the number of the person who least expect you to call and phone him or her. If you are asked the reason for the call, just tell the truth - that you feel like doing it. You will be surprised how much mileage you can get out of a five-minute conversation. People normally don't time off to do ordinary, painless acts like phoning another person for no apparent reason at all. There are thousands of lonely souls out there, sometimes praying that somebody should call them. They too are as bored as you, then why not you take the initiative and watch how life plays out this Act.

2. Write a letter to your auntie, uncle, grandma or grandpa (they are still around). You know the older set likes to know that the world has not gone on by and forgotten all about them. I have done it a few times in the past and I received return calls telling me how much my letters are appreciated. The old folks live for moments like that - the sudden, unexpected letter showing up at their mailbox. Sometimes, they get an absolute thrill of knowing that somewhere across the country or maybe even in the next county, a relative thinks of them at the most unexpected moments. It doesn't matter if they are a roomful of money, they are still people. Money can't buy everything. Letters are free. Try it and experience the joy of bringing it to others.

3. Get a hobby. I have several. In fact at this stage in my life, my wife is astounded that I have so many hobbies and the younger generation seems to be so unadventurous. It is really up to you. Perhaps you develop a sudden interest in silent movies, or it could be a passion of a particular species of African flowers. Once you are fired up about something, you tend to read or try to find books on it and then subsequently venture out of the house to look for it or people who share the same interest as you.

4. Travel across the State for the day. Take out the car, motorcycle, or even bicycle and just go. Take out a map, find a remote area that has few visitors and go out there and see how people live out their lives in their own little corner. I have done it on many occasions and still am regularly surprised by the things I have learned. You are never too old to learn. Life is a series of very long adventures. All you have to do is to stop thinking of yourself and for once, try to mingle.

5. Learn meditation. It can be very fulfilling. If you are already into yoga, then there's little I need to tell you but if you are not into looking "into your own soul", perhaps it's time you do. Meditation is indeed the final frontier. The final frontier is not out there in the galaxies. Only Capt Kirk has that privilege. Your borderless world is inside you. If you can but take the first step, it may lead you to the other portals that will change your life.

6. Volunteer to do community work even if at the beginning you think it will "kill you". People seldom do community work unless the judge orders them to. There's a reason why the law commands you to be up close and personal with the less privileged. It is an excuse for you to find out that you don't have that many problems afterall. If you don't believe me, ask Angelina Jolie. I am sure she can come up with a hundred reasons why you should do so.

7. Read a challenging book. One of my favourite pastimes is to read. I normally read non-fiction stuff and reading such material has opened my eyes to world yet unseeen by innocent eyes like mine. I have found out that even the mighty have taken bitter pills of disappointment and that nobody is immune from sadness, pain and sorrow. Fortunately, I also learnt that happiness is your own right. Live for today and be the greatest that you can be.

I shall continue this another day because there's another adventure waiting for me that can't be delayed any longer...........

It's February 15, 2006 on my side of the world today. Now, where were we before I was rudely interrupted. Ah yes, I was suddenly yanked out of my house on an urgent errand.

8. Get your priorities right. Life's is not a six-lane, non-stop freeway. We as human beings are allowed to make pit-stops and take a respite as we journey along to wherever we are going. Boredom becomes fossilised when we are too stubborn to change our routine. Like me, you can actually get up from where you are sitting and do something that urgent needs your attention. There are no hard and fast rules in anybody's life. That's the wonderful part of living. You are permitted to change course, switch lanes and board a different vehicle if and when you wish it.

9. Pray to God and for others. Look, you are not meant to be alone on earth, from womb to tomb, from cradle to grave. There are six billion on this small dot of a planet. You are like a speck of dust in a gigantic playing field of dirt and grass. The reason why you are special is because you can interact with others living next to you, near you or a little further from you. Human interpersonal relationships are a great learning experience. We are all put here to learn. Everything that happens to you is a valuable lesson. Sometimes, you meet some stranger because he was destined to learn something from you, or perhaps you from him or her. Who has got time to get bored if we have our own schedules filled to the brim with beautiful, interesting experiences. Ah yes, don't forget to ask God for help if you are "lost". If you are an atheist or existentialist, then God help you, or better still, you help yourself.

10. Ultimately, we all live and die by our own hands. This is a metaphorical statement of insightful proportions. If you complain incessantly that you are forever bored, then you are bored by the very decision which you have undertaken. Nobody is bored by other people. You ALLOWED yourself to get bored. Boredom is not part of our earthly agenda.
Even if you are dead-broke, suffering from an incurable disease or facing Death at the turn of very corner, boredom is the last thing on your menu. If you are on the receiving end of all those things which I have mentioned, I think you can safely come to the conclusion that you are the last person on earth to be bored.
Don't sentence yourself to a life of boredom. Life is too great to be slowed down by a litany of incessant complaints and self-defeatism. You are not that type of person, are you? Now get up and go. Do something. Anything. Just don't break the law.


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