Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What ails you, my friend?

If you are one of the six billion people on this planet then you would be suffering from at least one or several of the many problems that plaguing humans.
That is, you could be worrying about your health, you are frustrated over a stagnating career, marital woes, blues over your teenage children, the politics in your own country or a God who you think doesn't seem to be bothered with you.
First, you are normal. Two, easy it may seem, you should not worry too much because a lot of it are mirages and only about one per cent of the problems cannot be solved by you alone, and if you can't control the circumstances, why worry about it?
Ask yourself, what's the worse thing that can happen to you today, or tomorrow. Okay, you can drop dead. Well, if you are dead, then earthly problems should come to an abrupt halt for you.
If you are worried about the grieving people you left behind, don't. They will soon get over it. It's human nature. Human beings have a built-in mechanism for self-survival. After a while, they just lose any attachment to things or people who they love. Life, whether you want to believe it or not, does carry on, regardless.
If you are rich, you have no material worries, only those in your imagination or things you created for yourself. If you are poor, then you can help yourself by improving your financial situation.
There are many ways of doing it. One, you take on another job. Two, you work that much harder. Three, find people who can help you. If you desperate enough to want to improve your income, there are always ways to do it.
On health, nobody or very few people are born to be sick. It is one area that you can actually control. Unless you are hit by a flower pot while walking underneath an apartment building, then you will probably live out your long natural life.
If you follow a sensible path, you will live to a ripe old age. Happiness is part of the human package. Joy is inherent in every single person who walks on earth. Sorrow and misery are usually self-inflicted. If you do not allow yourself to be sad, nobody can make you miserable.
Tell yourself every morning when you wake up that today is another chance for you to do better. Tell yourself you are the captain of your own fate; that you steer your own ship; that you will henceforth make use of the winds to adjust your sails to go the direction you want.
Remember, your time on earth is limited. Go for the jugular as far as life is concerned. Aim for the skies, reach for the stars, dare to dream the impossible dream. I know these are all cliches but cliches are apt if they are applicable in life's situations.
You may, if you wish, chuckle at adversity and laugh in the face of sorrow. It is your right. Be crazy a little at times. It helps to alleviate whatever mental burdens that may be weighing you down.
Don't be intimidated by problems, Take them on. Heck, take them all on - just for the fun of it. Why go through life doing all the little things? Where's the challenge in that?
Aim high, think big and go for the No. 1 position - all the time. That's fulfilling your life's mission.
So what's ailing you? Think you are unlucky or being cheated of what's due to you? Blame God? Blame your parents? Blame your family? Take a trip to the nearest hospital and visit the very sick or terminally ill. You may change your mind after such a visit.
Yes, do count your blessings. Every single one of them. None is given to you without a reason. All that you have, you need. All that you were meant to solve, were there for a reason which you may later comprehend. You are to play your part in life and play it to the hilt.
Walk through the heart of fear, and feel the shadows slip behind you.

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