Saturday, May 14, 2005

Living the life you want

Imagine a life that success is very much part of your persona. You are not only materialistically rich, good health is taken for granted and you are never short of friends and they all love you.
Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? All these are possible, if you dare to dream and dare to pursue your dreams. In this life, everything and anything is possible. But are you up to it?
Are you a dreamer or a doer? Perhaps a bit of both. There's really nothing wrong with being a dreamer, except don't be entraped by it your entire life. Dare to dream and dream big and then build on those dreams.
George Lucas was a dreamer of outer limits proportions. Look where he is today. Steven Spielberg was and still is a dreamer. If Spielberg had not dared to dream, you and I wouldn't be enjoying ET, Indiana Jones and Schindler's List in the cinemas.
Bill Gates and Steven Jobs are still dreamers. If they are not, you wouldn't be enjoying personal computers the way you are using them right now. This world needs dreamers because they are the stuff that realities are made of.
Take a long, hard look at your life as it is today. Are you satisfied? Do you think you can do better? Do you think you deserve better? Well, do something about it.
Nobody is asking you to act outside the law or something illegal. Do something that is well within your capability. Your capability is only limited by your imagination and your desire.
Leonardo da Vinci was a man of extraordinary talents. Yes, he was also a genius, you might say. But then, all of us are capable of achieving success similar to da Vinci.
We are our own greatest obstacles. There's no such thing as failure. Replace "failure" with "challenge". It is a challenge, nothing more, nothing less.
You are capable of doing much more, fantastically more. You want to be a millionaire? Who wouldn't? Set yourself a financial target and work towards it.
Hardwork?! That's just a word. Just do it, or rather begin making plans towards achieving such a target. Don't think that it's too far down the road. Don't bother yourself with the destination. Enjoy the journey.
That's the whole plan. Enjoy the journey. Take the road less travelled and you will find out more, learn more and feel more. Isn't that the nectar of life?
This life, depends on how you view it, is rather short. Some people live up till 100 and learn little. Some live just 30 years and have lived a lifetime. So Albert Einstein is right - it's really relative.
Consider yourself one of the luckiest persons in the world. You are here, reading this. There are others on earth who cannot read. There are those who have not even seen a computer, let alone use one.
Yes, you are lucky. If you think you are not, then let this be your first lesson. Do not let your fears be the walls that lock you in. Be the bridge that links happiness to peace of mind. Be like the eagle which soars high above the earth and sees the "bigger picture".
Everyday can or may be your last. If you have just 24 hours to live, how will you live that day, that 24 hours? Yes, write it all down. All the things you want to do, all the people you want to love, all the food you want to eat. You probably don't have time to sleep or rest.
You don't want to anyway. When your 24 hours are over, you will have eternal rest. Live your life that way and you will understand the meaning of the universe. You will "see" the purpose of life as it is divinely designed to be so.
All of us are meant for great things, do great deeds, or do small deeds in a remarkable way.
Yours is the heaven and the earth, and all in-between. God does not want anything less from you and you should not expect anything less from yourself.

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