Thursday, July 21, 2005

Let's talk about the wonderful things

TOO many of us dwell for too long on unhappy things. Why do people do that to themselves?
For a change, let's jump into the pond of happy things. There's such a pool but people are frequently turn their eyes away from this shining jewel.
At the first light of dawn, when little pencils of light pierce throught the curtains of your room, you get a sense of new life stirring. Isn't that wonderful?
You brush your teeth as soon as your legs wake up. That should be soon. Aren't you glad that you still have a pair of legs in good working order? There are lots of people who don't have legs, or have one leg or legs that don't work too well. Count yourself lucky that your legs aren't complaining about anything.
Then you clean your mouth. OK, all the teeth are still there, or most of them are. Isn't it a happy occasion to know that your still have teeth to sink them into the juiciest morsels of food. A lot of people don't have teeth anymore. Even if they want to eat, they can't, or they do so very slowly and with great difficulty.
If you don't have teeth, you will soon find out that the areas around your mouth will develop lines due to lack of skeletal support, meaning your teeth. So you are indeed one of the lucky ones.
Hey, while you are thinking about all this, it may suddenly dawn on you that you are not suffering from one of those dreaded brain diseases which you hear or read about that happens to other people. You are not autistic, you are not retarded, neither are you suffering from any unnecessary migraines or mysterious headaches.
Now, isn't that a pleasant thought? No head-connected ailments of serious consequences. Mark that one as another blessing that has gone unnoticed for too long.
You proceed to prepare breakfast. Today, shall it be cereals and oats, or fried beehoon and sambal belacan. Stop, and think. You actually have food in the ladder and your kitchen is well stocked with food of your choice. Isn't that another great blessing.
Perhaps it's time again to pause and reflect on the starving millions in Sudan, North Korea and other poverty-stricken regions around the world. It is no fun to wake up every morning thinking how or what can you find to eat before the sun sets. It actually happens around the world in quite a number of places. Sounds terrible if it turns out that you are one of those stuck in that kind of predicament.
Breakfast over, and you turn on the ignition of your car with hope that maybe the roads be relatively free from heavy traffic. A car means modern means of transportation. Another plus for you. Elsewhere in the less inhabited parts of Asia, you could be sitting atop a water buffalo, donkey or a skinny horse. There would be no roads but trails which betray signs of human travel.
You will be subjected to the elements of unpredictable weather. That means rain, snow and scorching sun are your constant companions. Flashback to you in your modern car, protection comes in the form of an enclosed vehicle. Airconditioning adds to the comfort. Music from the built-in hifi system smoothens the journey and a mobile phone gives you unrestricted access to a two-way communication with your family and business colleagues.
Life is wonderful, to say the least. You park your car in sheltered surroundings and away from natural predators like poisonous snakes, bears and tigers.
Your office or workplace has all the conveniences that comes with a modern and sophisticated workstation. Pencils, pens, stapler, coffee machine, ergonomic chairs, proper lighting, etc. These are some of the things that make your job easier.
Imagine if you live out there in some remote part of Africa where you have to hunt for a living. There is a chance you may be eaten by your prey, or you could be a fisherman and be lunch for a hungry crocodile. Now, that would be a bit of a nuisance, wouldn't it?
In between the nine or 10 hours in the office, you will probably find time to have tea breaks with friends and colleagues. Time passes relatively fast for you. You will have gossip to listen to, nice people to share information with and bosses who may be very understanding, although the last one could be a matter of luck. It would be great if you ARE the boss yourself.
By 6pm or at the latest 7pm (OK, let's make 8pm), your work day should be over. In truth, you should leave your work and worries behind in the office. Of course, not everybody does that. Anyway, you leave for home and your maid or your wife, or even your mum who's staying with you prepares dinner for you and the family.
Another great blessing, but most people take that for granted. They think it is compulsory, somebody should be looking after their meals. Not really. A lot of people go without food for hours, even days because they just don't have the means or people to do that on their behalf.
I have seen young and old people sleeping on well paved streets of London. Shocking when I first witnessed it. Surely not in London, I told myself but there they were, sleeping like the countless homeless we read about in newspapers.
As you retire to your queen-sized bed, spare a thought for these vagrants. They are not so blessed like you. When you switch on the aircon in your room, think of those who have to bear the chill that sinks into their bones as they desperately try to slip into oblivion when they close their eyes.
You have so many wonderful things happening to you right now, and I have only touch on just a few. You are so blessed, and these are some of the countless wonderful things in your life. You may not have realised them until now. From now on, don't ever forget.

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