Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happiness Is Your Right

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

A LONG time ago it was my iron-clad opinion that happiness was something that you must earn. Now the decades have passed, loved ones have passed away, friends have stayed or wandered off, I know a little bit more.

Happiness is everyone's birthright. Nobody is born to be sad even though the doctors and neurotic individuals try their utmost to convince you so.

Life, it is said, is unfair. Not true. Life is actually quite fair. It depends on your perception and attitude. All it takes for a person to be happy is to say: "I going to be happy, regardless, today and everyday."

No one can be sad unless he allows himself to be. It is that simple. You can top the menu at a cannibals' reunion dinner, and yet you can still be happy.

Don't for even a minute believe me. Try it yourself. Happiness is REALLY inherent in all homo sapiens. Everything boils down to choice.

Therefore, be happy. Life is short and that is not a cliche. It is true. There is no such thing as time but that, as they say, is another story.

Don't ever allow anyone or anything to make you blue. Some unhappy people will probably comment that you are slightly off in the head. That kind of remark should not be dignified by a response from you.

Sad people, mad people, miserable people will always try and drag other people down to their unhappy level. Avoid them. Decide to be happy, not just today but everyday.

It is just a matter of choice. Every religion says it so. There's no need to learn anything. There are no special courses to take to be happy.

Happiness is in you and is you.
Remember that. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never give in to sadness.

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