Sunday, March 13, 2005

Surfing Eternity

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All great yoga and zen masters know what it is like to enter a zone without boundaries. It is a realm where the only passport in is Being.

It is a world that defies description, a place where enlightened souls dwell. It is a state of grace where judgement is absent and love is the foundation and also its atmosphere. You can say it is a place where time forgot, because it genuinely cannot exist.

You don't have to journey out of your earthly abode to find this place. It is in your mind and yet not part of it. It is a state of nothingness and awareness and yet no laws on earth or in heaven govern it.

The point where you are to where it is cannot be measured. It is a journey without a distance.
Its echoes sometimes touches your heart, awakens your soul and emits a signal of love that reverbrates across eternities.

Those who have surfed this state of being have caught glimpses of divinity. They have chosen to remain on earth to guide the others and teach others to be teachers so that more will follow a path that lights the way for countless others.

Every child knows what it is like to catch its ray. But by the time, they grow up, the door closes on them unless their mission on earth has been predestined.

It is a window to God's world. It shines for all eternity where words cannot exist. Once you have entered this world, there's no going back. Your life is forever changed. Your perspective has been altered forever. For it is deemed, you are one of the chosen ones.

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