Sunday, January 30, 2005

Buying knives on the Internet

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

EVEN though buying knives on the Internet is fast becoming an In-Thing, there are still the little hitches that crop up now and then.
So I figure perhaps now is a good time as any to talk about the pros and cons of buying knives over the Internet.


1. Almost endless number of choices with regard to the different types of knives available
2. Easy payment schemes abound but it varies from maker to maker and from knife company to knife company
3. Looking for bargains can be quite fun and easy
4. A good way to make friends, especially the friendly knifemakers from all over the world
5. Buying also leads to learning
6. Learning more about knives makes for a more valuable collection of sharpened objects
7. Knife collectors are considered topics of discussions even among relatives and office colleagues
8. Internet purchases can be so easy and sometimes even painless
9. Internet offers visual images of the types of knives you want, so you know what you are getting
10. Waiting for the postal van or courier service vehicles is a much heralded activity among knife collectors

1. There's a five per cent chance your knife can go astray
2. And also your postal order or banker's cheque will go to the wrong recipient
3. The knife you ordered turned out to be less than expected
4. The postal charges are daunting
5. The exchange rate is a killer - you are the loser
6. A knife with a flaw will suffer from warranty woes because of distance between buyer and seller
7. The waiting period is not to your liking especially after you have paid in full
8. The seller whether outlet or person shortchanges you in several aspects
9. You are disillusioned by the quality of the product now that you have it in your hands
10. Sometimes you can't tell forsure whether you are closing a "real deal".

The way to do business on the Internet with regard to knives or any objects of your desire is to scout for the most honest dealer who has most of the stuff you want and then stick to that person or firm. That way, you know for sure you get 100 per cent out of every transaction.

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