Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's never too late to be an author!

OKAY, I have reached a stage in my life when I am beginning to feel an iresistible urge to leave some kind of literary contribution behind. You know what I mean. Every normal human being who has a tolerable reservoir of words in his head, thinks he can come up with a best seller.

I admit, that did cross my mind a few million times. But there can only be one J.K. Rowling, or one Agatha Christie.

Of course, there is plenty of room left for aspiring novelists. There are almost as many publishing companies on the lookout for potential Nobel Prize winner for literature as there are budding authors in existence.

The only catch is what you should write about, how long it will be and whether anybody even care to read it when it is finished.

The mental commitment is the first and easiest hurdle. The rest is a bit difficult. To start something like writing a fictional piece or a non-fiction work requires discipline.

That means writing, say maybe 10 pages a day, everyday until it is finished. For example, you will need to give facts and some credible evidence that you are not talking nonsense.

It is not hard to find some palatable facts in the library to be interwoven into your tale.

If you are writing fiction, all you need is a fertile imagination and an ability to talk till the cows come home, that it, if you have any cows at all.

Anybody can spin a tale but the trick is to make people listen to you. In this case, read what you have to say.

Personally, I have always entertained the idea of writing a lava-hot novel that will be turned into a Hollywood movie immediately. Therefore, I can enjoy instant fame, success and financial security for the rest of my natural life.

The problem is millions of writers are also on the same bandwagon, and there can only be one or two winners.

When I read about those writers who eventually make it big, I shudder to think of myself walking down the same path. It is a very long, and dusty road. Most of the time, it is a miserable existence.

For example, J.K. Rowling was practically surviving on hamburgers before the billions came her way.

And she's one of the very, very few lucky ones. Many more are still struggling in anonymity for ages.

Many uncountable ones have also given up and retired in utter frustration over their lack of literary success. That, my dear friends, is the whole painful truth.

Does that deter you from coming up with the last great novel. No way, man, you are wont to shout at the top of your lungs.

If writing is in your blood and you won't die an easy death unless you produce at least five books before you call it quits in this life, then go ahead.

Writing, as I was told by a true writer once, is to go on and on, even though you see nothing but misery ahead of you. It's a bit like walking in the Sahara desert. For as far as the eyes can see, there is nothing by heat, sand and sightless wind but you still plod on.

You are ever determined to continue even if it kills you. Then maybe, just maybe, you may make it.

Ultimately, it is the excruciating pain that is part and parcel of your arduous journey that makes you a better writer than all the others who will drop out. Dead men have got nothing to say, you catch my drift?

I have this gut feeling that my inchoate great novel is just around the corner of my mind. Watch out world! Here comes that supernova that burns so bright it will burn holes in the walls of the world's greatest libraries.

After that, I will retire gracefully and go fishing!

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