Friday, July 07, 2006

Coming to terms with Today

All of us without exception think of life in terms of tomorrow. If there's even one among you out there who says 'no' then you are not being true to yourself.
Perhaps you have understand the concept of Now and Today. If you have, then you will know what I am talking about. Without going into the philosophical arguments of what constitutes 'tomorrow', let me just say that if you are thinking of the good that is going to come out of tomorrow, then I will tell you to just forget it.
Tomorrow metaphorically never comes. When tomorrow comes, it will identify itself as Today. Yesterday just waves at you from a distance. In fact, it is like greeting a familiar face from across the river.
Greeting Yesterday is like seeing somebody you know but the chances of shaking hands or hugging each other is nil. That's Yesterday for you. So what is the best among the three: Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow?
Naturally, it is Today. Today, you can do anything you like and you can see the immediate results. If you were to buy somebody lunch today, you will hear the verbal expression of gratitude, or you will receive the words "Thank you very much."
Today basically is all you have. You don't have Yesterday because it has left the building. You can't get hold of tomorrow because it hasn't shown up. What's the use of pining for something that may or may not turn up?
Forget about Yesterday. You don't possess it. At best, you can learn from the past. At its worst, you are chasing after a dream. It's like trying to catch the mist.
Tomorrow is somebody else's dream. It doesn't really take shape. It holds the promise of Today when it comes. By the time, it appears before you, it would have transformed itself into Today.
So your best friend is actually Today. If you wish you could or would say something nice to your wife, children or parents, say it Today and be done with it.
Why wait till tomorrow. Before the day ends today, you could be diverted from your personal intention. Or worse, you could end up in sick bay. There goes your chance if that happens.
The opportunities of Today are only good enough for the day while it lasts. Now is all the time you have. You can feel it, you can revel in it and you can do anything and everything with it - only for Today.
Today, yes my friends, if only you realise that your best chances of success are embedded into Today's soil. If you plant a small seed of greatness in the ground of Today, tomorrow it will begin to grow. All that happens if you do it Today, not yesterday or tomorrow. Do it now, do it today and be happy with Today's deed.
Time is forever an illusion. It is made for our convenience and for planning our dreams. We really do not implement anything great or small tomorrow. We do all that Today.
For today is the day we take that first step. The journey of a million miles begins now, if you take the first step.
Many of us grow old wondering what we have done after seven or eight decades of living on earth. We reflect on the missed opportunities and the what-could-have-beens. Very few of us actually bask in the satisfaction of what have been achieved.
We can have that feeling, that kind of experience, if we stop wondering about it long enough to work our dreams.
Dreams will remain dreams forever if we don't wake up and do it. Once, many years ago, I came across this saying: "The best dream can only be achieved once you wake up!"
That is so true. People, human beings, are different from animals. A lot of animals survive by instinct. Man is the only member of the animal kingdom who has the luxury of dreaming. The secret that makes man great is that what we can dream, we can do. But we have to do it Today.
Today then is the key. It is the solution that leads to future successes. Once we implement our objectives today, we await tomorrow. When tomorrow shows up, we continue with our unfinished work today.
And so on it goes. We are constantly working - TODAY. We never work yesterday or we can't work tomorrow. It is today, today and forever today.
Once you understand the power of Today, you won't shed tears for Yesterday or harbour the ache of waiting for Tomorrow. For Today holds the master key to all the Time Vault.
Today is all you have. There's no other time. Make use of it before it slips away from you and is transformed into Yesterday. Yesterday and Tomorrow are distant cousins. They keep in touch but they never meet.
Today is your constant companion. It greets you every morning when you open your eyes. It follows you to work. It keeps you company in your loneliest moments. It joins in when you celebrate a major personal success. It is there for you. Frankly, you and Today are inseparable. You two are not twins. You two are one.
Realise that and you will never in want of anything for the rest of your natural life on earth.

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