Saturday, May 27, 2006

Worrying about when it's going to get you

RIGHT now I am experiencing something that is very common among people. Ordinary folks like you and I. All of us are worried about something at some stage in our lives.

A few of us practically excel in the art of worrying. We are all creatures of habit and emotions. We feel like we are going to die, or will have this unshakeable forboding sensation of impending doom.

Most of time, this nagging feeling doesn't seem to want to leave us. We think long and gloomily about it just before we go to sleep. We allow it to plague our mind the whole day and the very next morning we jump onto this bandwagon of detestable load called Worries.

I was like that once until I got so mad with myself that I almost shouted "to hell with it all! Bring it on!" That doesn't to be the permanent solution. What happened was I delved into a lot of those books that discuss life hereafter.

I suppose my quest was so persisting that soon enough the right answers begin to flow in like the Missippi River waters. The light at the end of the tunnel became to be like the flood lights in a football stadium.

When the glare of the light shone on the darkened corners of my mind, all the fears taht were hiding there begin to evaporate. Of course, I still harbour a bit of worry here and there but that creature named Worry which was Godzilla-size in the past has become a little pygmy. It no longer poses any threat to me.

Don't let worry worry you too much. In a way, worry serves a little purpose but if you pamper it too much, it climbs on your head, clutches your heart and squeezes your stomach. Consequently, you can't eat, you have a headache and you feel as if your heart is going to explode.

If you but understand that all of us are creatures of spirit, without exception, then you will have the everlasting assurance that in the end, all will be well. Nothing bad can happen to you in the long run. It is simply impossible.

Life on earth is meant to be one huge adventure. Why waste time worrying about things you cannot change. Be happy for all those little unexpected occurrences that can only make your life that much more exciting.

Worry?! Bah, let it pass you in the daytime as well as in the night time like a gust of wind that slips past your body and vanishes into thin air. You, my friend, are a spirit that has been bestowed with the finest of virtues to make this life of yours right now the happiest and most exciting at any time.

Believe that you are going to have a great time on earth and you will.

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