Friday, April 21, 2006

Something's going on in my life!

For a long time (about 30 years or so), I thought my life was dull, dull, dull. Then about 10 years ago, it suddenly hit me: you don't wait for things to happen, you actually have to go out and meet your destiny.
When people mention the word "destiny", they think it's something inevitable. It's some event or happening that cannot be avoided and there's nothing you can do about it.
Well, that has changed since I "met" destiny. I realised that destiny is when I go out without really planning and have a time of my life. Once, I was stuck in the house for months, doing nothing spectacular except waking up, eating, working and sleeping. All these were routine.
Then one day, I decided why not do something different, to break the monotony. So I got the whole family together and we shot off in the car to a coastal town. It wasn't a world class vacation resort but it certainly was different from my permanent neighbourhood.
It was actually the journey that turned out to be an eye-opener. Along the way to our destination, we bore witness to structures, ancient and modern and lifeforms, livestock and human, who live in habitats not common to us.
It was then, it dawned on me that all these years since the day I was born, I have been trudging along the path of other people had paved for me. If I am to become part of destiny, I have to chart my own path.
In other words, I have to hack my way through undergrowth (figuratively), and clear the bushes that stand in my way. In doing so, I leave a trail for others who are too timid to create their own destinies.
Why are they so many of us who are too ignorant to create control their own fates, thus make their own destiny and in doing so creating a future that fit their dreams and plans.
In the final analysis, it was so simple. If you really want, as I did and still do, I have to do something that I desire without fear or favour. Do I have to wait till the planets are in alignment before I act. No. A thousand times no. Everyman is his own chronicler. He writes his own history. He pens his own life lines. He walks down the avenue which he builds with his own hands and with his own effort and sweat.
Actually, it is not a daunting task. It is merely an assignment which is done freely, happily and with great determination.
That is what I mean by "something is going on in my life". I now know that nothing is beyond me. Nothing can be impossible, if only I desire it so. Life is full of infiite possibilities. It is like an exciting and unending chess game. One move determines the future of a thousand other future moves.
A change of heart will only open other possibilities. It is an exciting life. It is everybody's choice to make his or her life meaningful and filled with satisfactions and joy.
Do you want it now, or do you just want to think about it? Do it now because heaven is HERE, there is no other place. Heaven is is NOW, there is no other time.

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