Friday, April 14, 2006

How to win a girl's heart and not be labelled as a jerk!

Rule No. 1 - a girl is another person with feelings. Memorise that and recite it to yourself everyday!
Girls are the feminine gender, in case you have forgotten, like to meet a gentleman in every aspect. In other words, when she's about to leave the car, please open the door for her.
It's old fashioned, I know, but girls just love it. When she comes over to your table, please stand up. That's the old protocol. Another silly old-fashioned habit but it works. It also means you stand up every time, a woman comes over to your table. She doesn't have to stand up for you, though.
Remember her birthday, and don't buy something meaningless. Get her a rare stalk of flower, maybe black tulip. If you can't find that, 24 of those velvet red coloured roses will do just fine.
Also, don't forget Valentine's Day. If she doesn't reciprocate, please don't kill yourself. Otherwise, if she changes her mind about you, you won't be at the receiving end.
Show some manners if and when you meet her family. That means try to be a real gentleman about everything, even if it kills you. Once you have made all the good habits part of your persona, any girl would be proud to take you home to meet her mummy.
Please, don't go dutch when sharing meals. Sure, you are broke but you are not a tight-wad, are you? Even if all you could afford is one meal, make sure it's hers. Tell her you have just had a hearty meal. Lie, my friend, lie. Of course, she will find out sooner or later. That's why she may just fall in love with you.
Be kind to children and be sincere about it. Girls will grow up to be women one day and later on in life be mothers as well. They admire men who display affection for the little ones. Remember, one day, you too will have children of your own. If you can't love other people's children, how much more will you love your own.
Every girl who is normal in every way will notice that great quality in you.
By all means be religious. Go to church. It won't kill you to sit in God's house once a while. Prayer enriches your life and lightens all burdens. Girls prefer boys who are spiritually inclined than those guys who are inclined to drink the spirits!
Dress decently. That is not compulsory but it helps. As you know, every little thing helps. No girl wants to be with a cruffy guy for long. He may just attract fleas, or worse, lice.
Whatever you do, give her the first preference. That means, you reserve the best seat in the house for her. Give her the best portion of the sirloin steak and save the last dance for her.
Always have a sense of humour. If she can laugh with you, she can live with you later on. A girl is wary of any guy who is remorse, taciturn and constantly moody. If he's like that during a relationship, think how dangerous or boring he would be when the wedding bells have died down.
There are only so many years in a person's life. Don't wait too long to tell her your true feelings for her. To waste time not saying all the right things means letting the heavenly feelings get away from both of you.
After you tell her, you love her, or are falling in love with her, there can only be two results. One, she said she doesn't share the same feelings as you. Fine, at least you know the truth. Two, you may just get lucky and hear from her that she also loves you like mad.
Of course, there's a third possibility. She may just laugh. If that happens, again, don't drown your sorrows in a crate of Guinness.

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