Thursday, January 05, 2006

Is that a Tarantulla on your shoulder?

These days, some people are no longer satisfied with the normal animals as pets. Sometimes we see a South American (somewhere from the Brazilian jungle) iguana on somebody's shoulder.
These fairly large iguanas are basically very slow and quiet. They can remain still for a long time, thus making them a great accessory to the owner's attire. If the idea is gain attention then the iguana is IT!
Then there are some people who are surreptitiously keeping piranhas in their aquariums. There's nothing like an element of danger to perk up your evening or better still, the man-eating fish is a great conversational subject.
Years ago, I read somewhere that some misguided piranha fish owner released that fish into a river or pond. I am not sure if it was a tall tale but the news was slightly scary. The last thing we need in our waterways is a man-eating fish.
The good news is once people hear that piece of news, they will just take out their fishing rods and try their luck. Nothing like a piranha at the end of your rod to impress your friends.
I have also heard of individuals keeping scorpions, termites and tarantullas. Sometimes you ask yourself, why do these people keep such exotic pets? Probably, their lives are lacking greatly in the excitement category.
When I was a little boy, I tried to bring back some huge soldier termites home to my backyard because I thought they were "pretty cute". Fortunately for me, the termites didn't like my backyard. When I was much older I scolded myself for being so silly. That action of bringing home termites was akin to bringing home the plague.
Then, you read stories about some houseowners having tarantullas in special glass cages. Nothing like a big hairy spider to pump some adrenaline into your veins.
Human beings are a bit strange. They like anything that is dangerous, poisonous and lethal. I have not heard of anybody keeping Black Widow Spiders as pets but I won't be surprised if one day I open the newspaper and read an article about someone keeping the Black Widow in his bedroom.
Snakes are practically common now as pets. The favourite ones are usually the albino species. The sight of a white snake slithering across an individual's shoulders seems "so cool" to others.
For those who can afford it, they simply build their own zoos. And there are people like that. People who can afford to keep exotic pets normally keep a very low profile. The last thing they want is to draw attention to themselves.
I have heard of people keeping ghosts but that story comes from the East, and it's a long, spooky tale. I don't want to go into that. People in the West don't understand these stories but some cultures in the East boggles the mind.
If you have people who keep tigers, wolves and other dangerous predators in their houses, then another exotic pet won't raise eyebrows anymore. We wish all these exotic pet owners luck but I don't want to live near them. Just give me a normal dog any day.

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