Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fear of that something around the corner

EVER experience that fear of the unknown. For example, you have been working at an organisation for a major part of your life and one day, an opportunity pops up right before your eyes. You can't believe it. You have been working for God-knows-how-long and poof! it appears you - the door that you have been talking about with friends, family and colleagues for ages.
It is your golden key to greener pastures. It is expected that you dive and grab that key. But no, you hesitate. Not for two seconds, but for some very long minutes. What happens if I don't like it, you tell yourself. What happens if I fail and fall flat on my face, you ask yourself again.
While your friends and relatives are tearing their hair out and calling you all kinds of unkind names, you hesitate some more. Hey, where are your guts, you hear that question flying over your head.
Nobody is quite aware of the fact that you have not done anything like that before. You keep on postponing grabbing that holy grail. What holy grail, you ask yourself for the third time.
Human beings are not a race known for their relentless courage and entrepreneurial spirit. We are mostly chickens. Slightest disturbance and we fly to the rafters. So much for that invisible lion's courage.
I wonder sometimes, too. There's so much to learn if only we step around that corner. Life is not for the timid, nor it suffers gladly the squeamish. We tell ourselves we need to be a bit more adventuruous and a little less doubtful about our own abilities. Alas, we are often let down by our own lack of courage. Some of us are basically cowards, and we won't admit it. At least when one admits it, it is the first step towards solving the problem because we recognise there's a situation that needs a solution.
When you think of the number of years you may have left on earth, a lot of things suddenly don't look so awesome anymore. We think we can't leap over a wide drain. Of course not. There's no tiger 100 yards behind us. If we were to hear a tiger's roar and sense that it has caught our human scent and if we tally, we would soon be tiger's breakfast. I bet the speed record for running the 100 metres would quickly be perceived as reachable.
Life, it is said, is meant to be lived by grabbing its jugular. It's time to "lock and load", as they say. Tally not. Time is precious. Life is short and you can always find another job, that is, if you are not fussy or humble enough to do anything you like.
I am beginning to sense that level of adventurism rising in me. That adrenaline pumping huge amounts to prime me for that great leap across or into the unknown. As Nike has put it a long time ago - JUST DO IT!

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