Friday, June 03, 2005

The Power of Qi

JUST when you thoughts human beings are quite useless, you learn that all humans have powers beyond belief. What!!!??? You exclaim. Yes, my friends, long before man invented the Atom bomb and proceeded to threaten his own existence, there were others who have already harnessed and mastered the energies of the universe.
Before you call 911 and suggest psychiatric evaluation, remember that this form of energy is latent in all of us. The Chinese have been practising it for ages. So have the Indians.
The Indian masters who use this kind of power within their being are known as yogi masters. Yogi masters are the ones you heard about being buried in the ground for seven days and then emerging fresh as a daisy.
Chinese kung fu masters used their Qi to heal others, foretell the future and break objects that cannot be broken by ordinary mortals. The power of qi can be harnessed by just anybody.
There are exercises that can be done but it will take some discipline to link body, mind and soul. It takes meditation and a certain purity of heart to make that journey to catch a glimpse of eternity.
Hogwash, you say? Apparently, many other people think so too. A lot of Westerners think people in the East have been eating too much rice and begin to suffer from hallucinations about all these godly powers.
In the days of yore, Chinese martial arts experts used qi to attain physical strength unheard of even in modern times. There have been whispers that some ancients martial arts masters who have lived beyond 300 years.
Today, if you get to live to celebrate your 80th birthday, you are considered truly blessed. Statistics have shown that people are dying at a younger age.
Qi is a kind of bio-kinetic energy. It is the body's ultimate weapon. No disease can stand against it. It can render a man ageless. Qi can make a person lifts great weights and endure ordeals that would have killed ordinary people like squashed flies.
The power of qi helps link all men, regardless of race or creed. Qi does not seek to overcome, instead it seeks to communicate. It can bridge all lapses of communication, including with those whoo cannot speak your language. Qi alters the state of the universe.
It is the ethereal spirit that conquers times and space.
Qigong masters see beyond earth and set their sights on a dimension of love, positive energy and total peace.
If by now, you are turned off, rest assured one day you may understand the implications of all that is, all that was and all that is made possible.
For those who seek qi, not all will find its jewel. Yes, you can reach the upper limits of your mental powers but you wouldn't be able to achieve kundalini.
Know that the world you live in right now is an illusion. Know that the place you call home is actually not your own. Qi in its finest moment sees the falsity of all that exists.
Qi is one with everything. You may search for qi but if your heart is not ready, it will not come to meet you.
But you must not give up. Walk in the path of doubts and see the light that is qi.
Qi is the light that sets you free. Seek it, find it and forever be one with it, and you will never be in want of anything for the rest of your life.

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