Thursday, June 23, 2005

Holidays are a must

IF YOU have not gone on a holiday, it's about time you do. Vacation is one of the most therapeutic exercises in the world. First, you leave all your professional worries behind (I hope so).
Second, you revert to your good old self (please, most of us are not naturally grumpy). Third, you make wonderful discoveries on your travels, that is, if you travel out of town or just cruising on the highway to nowhere.
It is also a time for pulling the family together. It's a time to make new friends and see the "other side of the mountain". Goodness, all of us can do with some time-off now and then.
In one single calendar year, we should have a minimum of four breaks. In fact, if you can manage to pull off six, you are a genius. Holidays work wonders for the tired mind and tarnished personality.
Your family will be glad to get back their "old" man of the house, and you won't be so uptight about the small stuff that seem to bother you all the time on a daily basis.
Go on vacation. If you can, extend it. I have just tried it and it was wonderful. It reminded me that there's a whole wide world outside my office walls. There are so many interesting people elsewhere and I know I am not alone.
On top of it, there are so many beautiful things to see and so many nice people to meet.
Suddenly, it seems money is not so important after all. Chasing after that promotion and looking out for No. 1, begin to sound rather silly. You also get a glimpse of your limited time on earth and the mortality that comes with it.
Holidays make you appreciate your family. It tells you that your time shared with them is memories personified and they will become part of your life forever.
Ultimately, it sets your bearings right again. For those who have forgotten how to go on vacation, it's time they be reminded. There's not only the truth out there, there's an entire universe waiting to be discovered. And also your heart and soul call out for some self-renewal.
The light at the end of your office tunnel is actually the beam of sunlight shining bright just for you. Get off your butt and leave your cares behind. Heaven awaits you!!

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