Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The distant thunder

Is is any wonder that cyclones, tornadoes and hurricanes have become more frequent and violent of late?

The polar caps are melting at a very dramatic rate. High pressure areas around the globe are beginning to experience greater intensity in unnatural rumblings.

Earthquakes are taking place in the most unlikely places around the world. Snow has fallen in places where its very existence is unnatural.

The world has suddenly awakened to see a new facet in Mother Nature's personality. How shall we cope with these climatic changes that are altering people's lives even as these words are being typed out?

The upheavals that shake and rock planet Earth are beginning to take their toll on man's little blue speck of a planet. In time to come, dramatic changes will alter the demographic makeup of many nations around the world.

It's impossible to escape all these unexpected changes as they unfold within our lifetime. What are our alternatives? Man has the intelligence to find the solutions bt will we have the wisdom to see this dramatic period as a golden opportunity to change ourselves and our planet for the better?

As the superpowered nations awakened to see a different dawn, the affected people in some continents around the world are beginning to struggle with the changes.

We shall have to put our differences aside if we want to save our planet and ourselves.

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